
Battle for azeroth new ui
Battle for azeroth new ui

battle for azeroth new ui battle for azeroth new ui

We also figure out during some point, Derek Proudmoore was raised by Sylvanas. We figure out with in the mix of things that Rexxar and Valtrois are the ones who broke out Lady Ashvane and delivered her to Sylvanas. We take that deciphered letter back to Boralus and hand it over to the High Commander. Then we are sent to collect evidence, letters, and have then deciphered by Haughton Francis.

battle for azeroth new ui

We have no idea where she went to or what she is up to. On the first quest, “Loose Ends” we find out that the Horde broke out Lady Ashvane from Tolĭagor. I have been moving forward pretty quickly with the Alliance War Campaign each time new quest populates. Please note that this post is filled with spoilers! If you have not completed the War Campaign for 8.1.5 and do not want to ruin the experience, please stop here!

Battle for azeroth new ui